Location:Austria, Wien, Kalksburg
Copyright:Per Hoffmann Olsen
Camera:Canon EOS 50D
Lens:Sigma 150mm 1:2.8 APO Macro

In 2017 I went for a walk in the nearby woods and found this seemingly unspectacular Click beetle. And for the most of 3 years the photo just lay dormant on my computer.

I added it to iNaturalist.org, because I really couldn’t find out what it was, and there it turned out to be the very rare Porthmidius austriacus.

Even on GBIF they made a feature page using my data and this image.

So I guess I got lucky.


A very rare species, widespread but rare.

More information here: https://www.coleo.de/Publikationen/Porthmidius-austriacus/ (in German)

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